Ms Been There, Tried That (:

Tuesday 1 May 2012 ? 0 hipsters ?

Yang terpuji lebih mulia.

Baru Google nama dia tadi. Huahehohioho. Ehem. I miss him so badly. But, I cannot tell him. He already said the goodbye. You know? The unwanted goodbye. The scary goodbye. Many words are left unspoken. Tak ada peluang. Tak akan ada peluang untuk jelaskan. I miss him so badly. Relationship are meant for two. Adalah terlalu umum kalau aku rant di sini. Tapi aku mau dia tau. Bukan mau mengungkit, bukan mau senaraikan setiap satu silap yang sudah dibuat, bukan mau condemn each other. Just so he knows. Aku mau pendekkan cerita. Biarlah aku yang salah. Biarlah dia semua yang baik-baik belaka. Asal aku dengan dia boleh jadi macam dulu-dulu. Tapi. Tak ada peluang. Tak akan ada peluang kot. Sorry sayang. Aku rindu dia. Aku minta maaf. Aku rasa macam mau potong tangan dia bila dia balas comment perempuan itu. Sungguh jelly tapi aku sudah tiada kaitan. Sudah tiada hak. Aku minta maaf. Maaf.  

its 30th and i dont know what to do.. lying if i say i dont miss you.. but hey, sometimes when a guy falls hard in love, their ego can go on for two years.. supposedly we are two years, but no one wants to fight for US.. dont know if u know i wrote this.. but hey, im bummed out now.. :'( byenyte

I texted after that and he make me feel unwanted. Back to my senses, if it's really love, I would not felt that way. No use. I cant fight for him. I am no strong. So, if this is the end, I just have to start over again. And, I definitely would not be with another guy. Sebab dia sahaja yang aku suka. Haha aku siries baii! Okey minta maaf bosku. Tidak payah layan pun tidak mengapa. Pasrah betul sudah aku. Memang aku yang salah sampai aku tidak tahu mahu cakap apa. Sorry sahajalah. Aku betul-betul tidak boleh sudah. Cari bahagia mu baik-baik. ILY ;')

If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you a new hello ;')

I guess you already found one, right? There's my boy <3 Goodnight dan terima kasih. Anda berjaya menjadi punca mata saya kencing-kencing pada malam ini. Love lots,

shhhh! keep it just between us :)

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